Adoption Guide

Children, poverty and difficulties of adoption

Children, poverty and difficulties of adoption

There are very serious questions raised by your article (Rising adoptions penalise poor families but don’t cut numbers in care, says report, 19 January). The implications suggest a link between increasing levels of poverty and increasing numbers of children being adopted without the consent of their parents. By coincidence, the issues were discussed last week at our Research Advisory Group, which…

9 things I wish I’d known before I adopted a child

9 things I wish I’d known before I adopted a child

Rosalind Powell, with her husband, Harry, adopted 14-year-old Gabriel when he was two*. 1. Know your limits. Embarking on the adoption process is exciting, scary, intense and emotional. Most of the children up for adoption have been taken away from their birth parents and come through the care system, having possibly experienced abuse or neglect. You will hear stories that…